Junior Camp
Brevard, NC & Cono, Iowa
Rising 3rd - 6th Graders
Junior Campers experience the adventures and joys of camp in a safe and loving environment. From the first moment they arrive, campers will play fun games, learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and build relationships with intentional counselors and cabin mates.
Junior High Camp
Brevard, NC & Cono, Iowa
Rising 6th - 9th Graders
Junior High students are challenged with the claims of Jesus Christ and taught about the Christian life. Special music, speakers, games, ropes courses, climbing, and hiking all provide opportunities for personal growth and developing relationships and team skills.
Senior High Camp
Brevard, NC & Cono, Iowa
Rising 9th - 12th Graders
Fun and serious learning are combined into a unique, exciting week for high school students. The worship, speakers, activities, and outdoor challenges are designed to provide opportunities for campers to experience and learn more about the gospel.
Service Camp
Brevard, NC
Rising 6th - 12th Graders
Senior and Junior Highers can enjoy all the fun activities and inspiring worship times of our regular camps while also working as a team on a service project for 3-4 hours each day. This budget-friendly camp is the perfect way for youth to not only experience the adventure of a camp, but also put their faith into action.
Family Camp
Brevard, NC
Families of all sizes and ages are invited to take the ultimate summer vacation featuring fun-filled activities and games plus Christ-centered teaching.